Nutrition Facts: Sugars

Sugars: PDF Fact Sheet for Download

Foods items listed on this website do not contain high fructose corn syrup or regular corn syrup except for the Fast Food page.

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Corn Syrup and Refined Sugar

Foods items listed on this website do not contain high fructose corn syrup or regular corn syrup except for the Fast Food page.

High fructose corn syrup is addictive, makes you hungry and unable to shut off your appetite, causes weight gain and increases susceptibility for diabetes. All soft drinks (even diet ones) make you crave sugar and soft drink comsumption contributes to osteoporosis and tooth damage.

Refined sugar (white granulated sugar, powdered sugar, or brown sugar) is very addictive. Refined sugar is (for the most part) devoid of any nutrients and very high in sugar. Since brown sugar is a combination of white sugar and molasses, its nutrients come from the molasses. Unsulfered Molasses contains some Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium and is lower in sugar than white granulated sugar. Therefore molasses is a better choice than white sugar, but all sugar intake should be kept to a minimum.

Sweetening Recipes with Fruit

Fruit and some vegetables contain sugar which is all the sugar you need. Going off refined sugars and artificial sweenteners might be enough to get taste buds to appreciate the natural sweetness found in fruits and vegetables. Choose fruit in season of high quality. Poor quality fruit cannot compete with an addiction to refined sugars.

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